Dreams & History

The interpretation of dreams by ‘experts’ in the field may be almost as old as dreaming itself!! Science tells us that all Hoomans (& many animals) dream every night, & the Hooman Race has always been fascinated by trying to discern what exactly causes dreams & what they mean.

The interpretation of dreams goes back to at least 3000-4000 B.C. Science knows this because there are recorded interpretations of dreams in permanent form on clay tablets. (before paper!!) It is thought that many primitive Hoomans were unable to initially distinguish between the real world & the dream world. In many cases, these Hoomans looked upon the dream world as an extension of the physical world around them, & in Many cases they saw the dream world as potentially more powerful in some aspects than the waking one.

Dream interpretation was such an important field to the ancient Greek & Roman worlds that dream interpreters (Oracles, Seers, Psychics, etc.) often accompanied generals & other military leaders into battles. Dreams were taken extremely seriously, to the Greek & Romans in particular, often being viewed dreams as messages sent by their Gods & Goddesses.

Dreams also had a religious context in ancient Egypt, & priests back then also “doubled” as dream interpreters. (I put this in “ because religion & psychology were more blended back then as opposed to now… which is LAME) Dreams were among the things most recorded by the ancient Egyptians priests, in the form of hieroglyphics of course, a puzzle unto itself!! Those whose dreams were especially vivid/intense, or deemed significant in some way, were thought to be blessed & were given special status in these ancient societies. Likewise, Hoomans who were able to interpret dreams were thought to receive these gifts directly from the gods & Goddesses, & they enjoyed a special status in society as well, often doubling as a religious leader/icon.

There are over 700 mentions of dreams in the bible, & Hoomans in biblical times also saw dreams as very significant, often granted/sent by God. Dreams & their interpretations are mentioned in many of the most significant books of the bible & various other holy scriptures.

In many cases, dreams were often seen as a form of prophecy. Even NOW, Hoomans often interpret their dreams as omens or warnings, & adjust their lives accordingly. Dreams were often thought of as omens from deities, as messages from unknown spirits, or even as messages from dearly departed souls. In some cases, dreams were even seen as the work of demons, meant to confuse & trick…

Dreams were so important, in fact, that they even dictated the actions of political & military leaders, affecting everything from the execution of a battle plan, to the outcome of a political decision or campaign. Dreams were also thought to provide vital clues to healers, & they were used in the diagnosis & treatment of various of illnesses and ailments.

Dreaming was often looked upon by indigenous peoples as a way to commune directly with Gods & Spirits, & dreams are still used in this way by cultures all over the world. Many people believed, & many more still do (yay!!), that during dream sleep the soul leaves the body & communes with the spirit world. (How cool is that?)

The Ancient Chinese are one culture who once believed that the soul left the body each night during dream sleep. They believed that if the dreamer were suddenly awakened the soul may not be able to return to the body. That is why some Hoomans are still iffy about the use of alarm clocks!

Some Indigenous societies share this ancient view of the importance of dreams, & share the belief in a separate dimension that is visited during dream sleep. These cultures believe that their departed ancestors live in their dreams, & that they are able to take forms like animals & plants. Thus dreams were & are seen as a way for them to commune with their recent & even ancient ancestors, as well as to gather wisdom & knowledge that would serve them in their waking lives. Dreams were also seen as ways to gather information about their purpose or mission in life.

The respect for dreams changed radically early in the 19th century & dreams in that era were often dismissed as reactions to anxiety, outside noises or even bad food & indigestion. During this period of time, it was encouraged to believe that dreams had no meaning at all. Interest in dream interpretation all but evaporated… Devastating… This all changed, however, with the arrival of Sigmund Freud later in the 19th century. Freud stunned the world of psychiatry/Psychology by stressing the importance of dreams & he managed to help bring dream interpretation back into societies gaze.

Dream interpretation still does not seem to hold the same importance in the modern world as it once did… The more we practice the more we learn!!


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