Dreams: FAQ
Every Hooman has asked questions about why they dream, what their dreams mean, why they cannot seem to remember some dreams, etc. The BEST part is every dream is unique to the Hooman who dreams it, making the realm of dream interpretation a rich, fascinating & exciting one! The following are some of the most commonly asked questions about dreams and their answers!
Do Dreams hold any real significance in life?
Dreams DO have significance in the real world!! They really, truly do! Dreams are often told in a symbolic language, & the images in dreams tend to contain hidden meanings & hidden messages. Infuriating right? When analyzing & interpreting dreams, it is important to Remember that the stories told in dreams are symbolic & not meant to be taken literally, generally. There are always dreams that are also memories… *sigh* The significance of dreams for each Hooman is a very personal matter, directly related to their own life experiences & emotions.
Why do recurring dreams happen?
Recurring dreams are amongst the most common types of dreams. Most often, recurring dreams indicate that the Dreamer has some issue that is not being confronted or dealt with in their waking life. Examining these recurring dreams, & understanding what triggers them, can often allow the Dreamer to resolve the underlying issue & banish the recurring dream back to the void from whence it came!!
Do most Hoomans dream in color?
Most Hoomans do dream in color, but many may not notice the colors in the dream world. Since color is such a natural part of Most Hoomans average day to day experience, color may be overlooked in the dream world. In addition, because dreams fade so quickly, the sense of color may be the first thing to leave the conscious mind, leaving the impression of a black & white dreamscape.
Do animals dream as well?
All mammals science has currently studied have exhibited similar brain activity that Hoomans exhibit during sleep. Many scientists see this as proof that animals do in fact dream, although what they dream about is likely to remain a mystery. Until science catches up!!
How are dreams affected by our daily lives?
Any feelings or thoughts repressed (or not) during the day can likely make an appearance in our dreams! For example, if you wanted to show your anger to someone & were unable to, or did not allow yourself to do so in a healthy manner, you may express anger towards that person or dream symbol later on during the night. In addition, those who have experienced traumatic events can be troubled by nightmares in which they relive that trauma, or similar dream symbols. (it’s not fun BTW…)
Do different genders dream differently?
All Hoomans experience the same brain wave activity during sleep. However, since every Hooman is unique, every dream scape is also unique!
Why do I remember only bad dreams & never good ones?
One reason could be that the most vivid dreams tend to be the ones that are remembered, & nightmares tend to be more vivid than good dreams. Another reason could be that the Hooman brains response to fear is ‘stronger’ than the one to joy(weird huh?), science does not have a definitive answer for this yet. In addition, dreamers are often awakened by a particularly vivid nightmare, & waking during dream state could mean that the dream may be remembered more accurately in its details.
What does it mean to dream about dreaming?
Experiencing a dream within a dream may just be another way to deal with things from the subconscious mind. A dream within a dream may also prevent the dreamer from waking up prematurely, so that they can finish out the dream, a way of the subconscious mind forcing the ‘issue’.
Will I really die if I hit the ground during a falling dream?
The many people who have described hitting the ground during a dream about falling are proof positive that hitting the ground in a dream is not a Deadly experience. It is true, however, that dreams of falling often wake the dreamer, & that might be where that old wives tale got its start!