Dreams & Growth
Self Growth Through Dream Interpretation
Can dream interpretation give valid insights for self-growth?
My answer is ABSOLUTELY! How exactly does one use their own dreams for growth…? Well, it differs for each Hooman of course! the guiding hand of the Soul/Higher self/Source/Spirit works in mysterious ways & dreams are definitely one of them! An understanding of our dreams is one of the most direct ways of tapping into this cosmic knowledge. While dream interpretation is one of the easier methods, when compared to other means such as clairvoyance training & other psychic developments, it can still feel difficult & confusing. The reason for this ease is because Hoomans dream! the reason for the difficulty? Dreams are CONFUSING!
Interestingly, dream interpretation can also be applied to other areas of life & wellness too. It has been used to successfully interpret the symbols of clairvoyant visions received during meditation, to tell fortunes & futures by various different Sensitives, & it is used in modern psychology practices to help address various mental health issues. Understanding the symbology in your dreams can help you to better understand your life, which can help guide you down your own path of self-growth!
There are certain ‘skills’ that are important for successful dream interpretations. One of which is a well-developed intuition. Unfortunately, intuition isn’t something that can be purchased, It is something that only we ourselves can nurture through learning & practice. Intuition is what binds & creates recognizable connections to the seemingly unrelated dream visions & symbols. This in turn structures the connections into a cohesive & meaningful message.
Intuition is not the same as mental reasoning, or intelligence even. It is simply that inner knowing/feeling/sensing that is beyond logic & reasoning. Intuition is in fact a real cognitive process, & unique to each Hooman. Unfortunately our modern society is heavily focused on ‘mental-rationalization ‘ & therefore isn’t REALLY in the habit of validating a higher order process like intuition… In other words, society has been placing too much emphasis on logic, proof & reasoning… Booooo!
Remember, intuition doesn’t tell us the outcomes of events. it is simply the inner knowing that explains & provides answers.